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How to care for false eyelashes

Elour Lashes
How to care for false eyelashes
For false eyelashes,some have longer lifespans than others. And usually, the amount of wears you can get out of a pair depends on how the lashes are made. For one thing, natural animal hairs tend to last longer than synthetic hairs. While animal hair lashes are able to provide around 20-30 wears, synthetic lashes can usually only provide around 3-8 wears. The bands on strip lashes can also make a difference, as thicker bands tend to be more durable than thinner bands. So even though they may be a little harder to master, those thick strips can give you more wears.

                                            How to care for false eyelashes?

For false eyelashes,some have longer lifespans than others. And usually, the amount of wears you can get out of a pair depends on how the lashes are made. For one thing, natural animal hairs tend to last longer than synthetic hairs. While animal hair lashes are able to provide around 20-30 wears, synthetic lashes can usually only provide around 3-8 wears. The bands on strip lashes can also make a difference, as thicker bands tend to be more durable than thinner bands. So even though they may be a little harder to master, those thick strips can give you more wears.

However, the number of times a pair of strip lashes can be reused isn't totally up to the materials. The way you take care of your falsies can also have an effect on how long they last. To make sure you're getting the most wears from each pair of lashes (and the most bang for your buck), here are five tips I've personally found can help keep them running like new.

1. Pull Them Off Gently

Instead of just ripping your falsies off at the end of the day (so tempting, I know), first run a cotton swab soaked with makeup remover over the band. This will help loosen the glue so that when you pull them off, the band doesn't get stretched out.

2. Don't Add Mascara

Or, if you must, apply mascara to your own lashes before applying falsies. But to make the falsies last longer, don't apply mascara to them. It'll only create buildup.

3. Try Tweezers

After removing your falsies, use tweezers to pull off excess glue buildup along the band to keep them clean.

4. Soak Synthetics

Don't soak your natural animal hair lashes, but for some painless cleaning, you can drop your synthetic lashes in a bowl of olive oil or makeup remover to really get them clean. Leaving them for an hour will help dissolve excess glue and makeup so they're fresh and ready for another use.

5. Sanitize and Store Properly

Run a cotton swab soaked with rubbing alcohol over the band to make sure your lashes are clean and sanitized. Store them in a lash case or the container they came in to help hold the band's shape and keep your lashes free of dust.

You'll totally extend the life of your lashes by at least five wears.

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